Power of 10 Foundation
Founded 2018
Claire Wineland
Claire Wineland was born and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis “CF.” At that time, the life expectancy for a child born with CF was approximately 10 years old.
A day after her 13th birthday, Claire undergoes a routine surgery to repair severe gastric reflux called Nissen fundoplication. Claire’s body begins to deteriorate, her oxygen saturation falls rapidly. She develops septicemia causing full lung failure. Placed in a medically induced coma and on an oscillator, she has a 1% chance of survival and remains in the coma for 16 days.
Needless to say, that wasn't her last hurdle to overcome or her scariest for that matter. She was a force not be rackon with, as she became that light the community needed. She went on to public speaking, to accepting awards, magazine features, and making her own movies, she even founded her own nonprodit as a teen, and as dedicated playrooms in hospitals.
Unfortunately, Claire passed away not too long after she underwent a double lung transplant.
Power of 10 Foundation is in Memory of Claire as she inspired the founder, when she was extremely ill.
4.10.97 - 9.2.18